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By Mike Speidel
    "Touchdown" has recently been assigned multiple definitions in my mind. Prior to joining forces with
Donna and Sightline, the word touchdown meant only one thing: 6 points. After spending some quality time in the
aviation industry, I have gained more respect for what these pilots do routinely each day. I will admit, hearing the
word still makes me tingle with excitement and sends me searching for a beer, but only 75% of the time now. In these
last few weeks of the College/NFL seasons I have noticed something I think I can use to explain what Sightline can
do for you. If you need to open a beverage in order to truly appreciate this football analogy, be my guest.
    In the last 5 years, televised football has realized several advances in the way it is presented to
its audience. These days the line of scrimmage, first down marker, down and distance are all visually represented in
the final images the viewer receives. Could you live without these enhancements? Of course, but they do offer some
functionality specifically to the average viewer. However, a particular advancement has absolutely changed the way
football is being viewed today: HDTV. High Definition Television broadcasts have brought the game into your home.
The picture is exquisite, and will only improve in coming years. The difference lies in that going back to un-HD games
is tough to swallow once you've tasted how sweet it can be. This is beginning to sound like an advertisement for HD, so
let me remind myself of whom I'm working for.
    Sightline is like HD whereas many airports have been maintaining markings using the same methodology they
have been for years. Sightline is able to evaluate current practices and provide solutions in order to achieve a
high-definition airfield, if you will. With our help you can realize how good it can be, and going back to un-HD
will just not be an option. In any case, the view should be at its best during each of those touchdowns.
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