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What's New?
    Your hosts have stepped up for the 2015 Airfield Marking Symposiums (AMS). Many thanks to the host airports and sponsors that help
make each of our symposiums one of the best training resources in the industry.
    Join us in 2015:
- April 7-9, 2015: Phoenix, AZ, hosted by PHX
- June 9-11, 2015: Cincinnati, OH, hosted by CVG
- August 18-20, 2015: Salt Lake City, UT, hosted by SLC
- October, 2015: Airfield Marking Symposium, To Be Announced
    If you haven't been to a symposium - you are seriously missing out. This is the seventh year of this symposium, and it's only
getting finer with age. So... what are you waiting for?
    Online registration is not yet available. We are currently making arrangements for the great venues and events you have
come to expect at the symposiums. For your budgeting purposes, use the following guidelines:
- Registration: $400/attendee includes breakfast, lunch, and all conference materials
- Room rates: We will do our best to keep rooms at or below $150/night
- Flights: Check for dates/location
- Questions: Email us for more information
    We hope to see you in 2015!
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