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    In early May, Sightline joined with host, Massachusetts DOT (MassDOT) and sponsor Massachusetts Airport Managers Association (MAMA), to conduct a 1-day training program on the effectiveness of airfield markings. From "Design to Line" consulting engineers, FAA inspectors, airport managers, and pavement marking contractors from the New England Region discussed airfield markings.

    As with projects around the world, writing clear, concise specifications and then enforcing those provisions to the benefit of the airport is a challenge. And "airfield markings seem to be particularly problematic," admit many industry professionals. FAA inspectors become frustrated when they encounter a newly completed airfield project during a Part 139 inspection only to find the markings not up to their standards. Airports can get caught in the middle when there are differences in opinions among designing engineers and FAA inspectors.

    Participants almost unanimously agreed that the training should be conducted around the country in each FAA region. Special thanks to MassDOT, MAMA, and the FAA for making it happen for the New England region!

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