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What's New?
    We've had a couple new additions to the Sightline family since the last webletter was published... Meet the new guys:
- Name: Samuel Michael Speidel
- Age: 4 months
- Skills: Rolling over, sleeping through the night
    Sam is currently learning the ropes and hopes to crawl up through the ranks of the Sightline organization. We have
started to assemble an "all-infant" team to perform the cutest audits ever, but a high frequency of naps is hindering productivity.
- Name: Matthew Thomas Davidson
- Age: 32 years
- Skills: Account management, sales, sleeping through the night
    Matt joined the team on August 4th, assuming the role of Director of Sales. He's only been here a few weeks, but his
transition has been seamless, and we're very enthusiastic about what he brings to the table. He has an aviation background, and is
enjoying getting back into the industry. If you're planning on attending the
Jacksonville symposium in October, you will get to meet
Matt then.
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