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Happy New B'ak'tun!

By Mike Speidel

    Congratulations are in order: you've survived another "End Of World" prediction! The most recent being the perceived end of the Mayan calendar. As it turns out, it was the end of a B'ak'tun (approximately 144,000 days and one of many cycles the Mayans recorded). However, it clearly was not just cause for panic or new episodes of Doomsday Preppers. Instead, it marked the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one... so Happy New B'ak'tun!

    Which is always followed by the predictable question: "What's Your New B'ak'tun's Resolution?" And the standard "I'm going to go to the gym more" resolution doesn't cut it - I stopped "going more" on January 4th.

    144,000 days is a long time, almost as long as a safety inspection feels like, so this resolution should be kind of a big of a deal, too. For example, your average Mayan might have resolved to participate in more altar cermonies or aspire to be a human sacrifice. But that was so last B'ak'tun - you need something more modern and less horrific.

    Here's a thought: give your pavement markings a little love this B'ak'tun. I'm not suggesting painting them more than ever, rather make sure they're performing the way they should be. Analyze the culture you have in place and determine what's working, what isn't, and what might need tweaking. Let's face it, it beats human sacrifice as a resolution. If you need help or suggestions on what your airport needs to modernize the marking system, I'd be happy to collaborate with you. Call or click on my byline to send me an email.

    Whatever you resolve to do, we wish you the best in the New B'ak'tun!

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