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Third Generation Marking Nerd

By Mike Speidel

    My wife, Jen, and I recently received some big news: we're getting a roomate at the end of April. As Jen has told me, this is not the typical roomate who is always late on rent and comes in at all hours of the night. This is an entirely different kind of tenant that doesn't pay any rent and needs you to feed them all night long. Did I mention the lease is eternal and the deposit is paid in the cutest, tiny shoes?

    We're having a boy! He's due April 29, 2014. We're considering Samuel Michael Speidel (yes, 'SMS' is only a coincidence). Grandma Donna is thrilled as you can imagine! Sam (Sammy/Sambo) represents her first grandson and the rare potential for a "third generation marking nerd".

    I don't consider it to be a derogatory label, instead a combination of seemingly boring characteristics that make up a pretty interesting person; the nerd is greater than the sum of its parts; that's what I've been telling myself all these years anyway. Fortunately, Jen has enough 'cool' in her for both of us (she made me type that).

    You may have wondered why the first Airfield Marking Symposium in Las Vegas was scheduled in early April... now you know. We'll keep you updated on the progress of the Sightline legacy and a healthy baby boy. In the meantime, Donna, 1st-Gen Nerd, and Mike, 2nd-Gen Nerd, will be out there making markings safer, one airport at a time.

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